

As human beings we are expected to behave in a certain manner . But we forget that life is not meant to be perfect its about the happiness and ups and down we go through . We might not be in a happy space currently so why to pretend ? Sometimes letting your emotion takeover is better . Expressing how you really are is not bad . Cause somewhere everyone is insecure, sad, jealous and many more emotions but we are afraid to say it . Everyone has down phases in their life but we go through all this uncertainty and accepting this is the bravest thing we can do . Being afraid of what others will think, how they will react ,we go into overthinking zone which is not good . Cause the day you leave this world nothing is gonna matter . But if we die before we are already dead its the worse . Ik its not easy but we have to try thats all we can do . Lets make a promise to ourself that we are gonna be who we truly are and make our life a better life .

'Giving a second chance to ourself is important'

- LD


  1. "But if we die before we are already dead is worse"... Best lineee❤️


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