Turning 18 (Birthday)

 Turning 18

Here I am, A 18 Year old Teen. To be honest I was somewhat excited about this one. Well you all have read how I don't like birthdays that much but I had high hopes from this one just because I will be eligible to apply for license, yeah as simple as that. Well my thoughts on birthday have not changed much but this time I think I am much more positive. I know something fuck all will happen as it usually does but this time it won't be able to fuck up me .I have this hope this new year will bring new experiences (hopefully good), new non toxic friends and many more things; yeah I am greedy. Well I kept this birthday quiet low key and simple and maybe thats why it was special. Only a few people knew in college it was my birthday today because I wanted it that way, (well I wanted no one to know but things happen) but it was quiet good actually. The people I had around me meant something. Then I catched up with 2 of my friends and it was quiet peaceful, that's what I like the most and later went for dinner with family. Well it was a good day, their was this birthday sadness thing you all might be familiar with but this time it didn't prevailed over me this time. Well this birthday will change alot of things like me being able to ride like the coulds are able to in the sky freely; I am ready to be in love again, not running away from it anymore; working on my poetry and Shayari's and the most important thing going to do what I wanted to do for around 4 years now, opening my YouTube channel. The 17th me has healed me alot, now it's time for the 18th me to give it's fullest to everything. I am not scared to be old, I like the process but hope that as I get old; I miss being young because if you don't miss the place you were in maybe you never enjoyed it. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me, alot more routes to discover. Here's the thing no one else will tell you,

 '18 ka hoke kuch ukhada nahi hai'



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